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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I thought they were going to play nice ...

Remember the election night promises of Jerry Jones and Cedric Glover to keep the runoff campaign clean? Does this qualify?

“If you look at Cedric’s record, which I think is the best indicator of future performance is past performance, … his default position on revenue issues is to raise taxes. Our research has shown that we have not found a single tax that has come before Cedric that he has voted against. Similarly, when it comes to solving problems, I think Cedric’s natural inclination is to solve it by putting on another level of bureaucracy.”

Jones’ comments were made during an interview with me last week for a story citing the differences between him and Glover.

Jones went on to list a variety of organizations that had put Glover in its wall of shame or had given him failing grades as a legislator. But in typical diplomatic fashion, Jones added, “I think the difference between us is what is my knee-jerk position going to be to a problem vs. what is his knee-jerk position going to be to a problem? … That doesn’t make him a bad person, it doesn’t make him a bad mayor necessarily. But I think what the citizens are going to have to decide is, which philosophy do they think is best for the city?”

For his part, Glover was quick to point out his experience as a legislator and his ability to unite people.

“I see my candidacy, my life, my experiences as being about Shreveport’s future and not it’s past. I think I’m the candidate in this race that’s focused on about where it is we’re going as a city as opposed to going back to places where we’ve already been,” he said.

What does he mean?

“I’d like to think that as an individual, as an elected official, I’ve been about trying to get us focused on a positive future and not taking us back to a point where we don’t have a respect for all people, all of our economic entities, all of our jobs, all of our various types of people, of various types of views and perspectives, one that is inclusive, one that is diverse, one that respects diversity and includes it as opposed to one that simply gives lip service to it,” he said.

Was that a veiled jab at Jones?

“It’s a more generalized statement,” Glover said.

Ouch, nonetheless.


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