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Tuesday, January 09, 2007

PRopaganda Machines, Volume 3

My inbox got a bit of respite during the holidays, but the PR machines are back at work although not up to full speed yet. Here’s a highlight from the last few days:

From U.S. Sen. David Vittter’s meeting with President Bush to discuss the strategy for Iraq: Vitter, who toured Iraq and met with Louisiana troops last fall, is a new member of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee met with the president and 11 senators in the White House Cabinet Room Jan. 8. “I believe we had a good discussion, and I am very interested in hearing more details when the president announces his full plan later this week. Specifically, I was pleased to hear the president speak about the Iraqi government’s true commitment to security. When I asked the president specifically about the situation facing Iraq Prime Minister Maliki and Muqtada al-Sadr, he informed me that he and Maliki have spoken about the matter and that Maliki is committed to addressing it. I am eager to see more concrete detail and action in this specific area. I will continue to ask tough questions and plan to participate actively in the coming U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearings with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and others.”

From the Louisiana Democratic Party: This came with the headline “Republican Legislators’ Special Session Road Block Sends State Economic Development into a Tailspin.” Party Chairman Chris Whittington is taking issue with Republican legislators for their “bullheaded, partisan and self-serving actions” in denying $400 million for road projects in the special session. “Louisiana has made the bottom of yet another list and this time on a point that is so vital to economic development in our state. It’s time these Republican legislators feel the long and bumpy road back home as they sugar-coat their actions and pander for votes next fall,” Whittington said.


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