It only took 16 years ....

It’s been 16 years since the Louisiana Federation of Republican Women have held their biennial convention in Northwest Louisiana.
But next week, Shreveport-Bossier City gets its turn.
At the last convention in Lafayette, the local Republican Women’s clubs made a successful pitch to bring its 2,000 members to Bossier City’s Diamond Jack’s Resort Hotel March 2 through March 4.
About 200 are expected to attend, although local organizers wish the number was higher.
“It’s difficult to get people to come to northwest Louisiana,” said Lucille Williams, convention co-chair shown in the photo here with chairwoman Kathy Ross (sitting) and co-chair Anne Price on the right.
“Some of the ladies down south said it’s so far to Shreveport. I told one of them, ‘You know what? We drive down there all the time.’ One lady said, ‘Lucille, it’s downhill.’ I said you have to drive uphill to get back.”
Williams said she expects each of the state’s 37 active clubs to send about five people.
The organizers have lined up a variety of events that will feature local Republicans.
Bossier City Mayor Lo Walker will welcome the attendees. State Rep. Jane Smith and Sen. Sherri Cheek will host a reception of the LFRW’s Magnolia Club at the Louisiana Boardwalk Saturday, while Judge Mike Pitman will lead a devotional Sunday with Shreveport District D city councilman Bryan Wooley singing the anthem.
“He’s got a beautiful voice,” Williams notes.
Other events:
Author Michael Zak will speak noon Saturday, March 2, in Diamond Jack’s Ruby Room. Zak is a native of Chicago and Washington, D.C., resident. Before writing his book “Back to Basics for the Republican Party,” he was a foreign service officer serving in Mexico and Venezuela and was an international banking analyst based in Chicago and New York. Price of the lunch is $35.
The keynote speaker at Saturday’s 7:30 p.m. dinner in the Ruby Room is former Louisiana governor and current CEO of 1st Business Bank Buddy Roemer. Roemer was governor from 1988 to 1992. Cost of dinner is $50.
For reservations, call Virginia Smith at (318) 742-6182 by Wednesday, Feb. 28.