Putting into words what he feels

U.S. Sen. David Vitter is voicing support for U.S. Rep. Bobby Jindal, who announced his bid for Louisiana governor. The state Republican party has sent out Vitter's letter with a note: “It is critical that we look to his words as we move forward this election year (to) elect the best Republicans to help reform our state.”
Here’s Vitter’s letter:
Dear Friend,
Wendy and I hope this email finds you and your family well.
Now that Bobby Jindal has made it clear that he will run for Governor later this year, Wendy and I wanted to let you know how supportive we are of him in this vital endeavor.
All of us face extraordinary challenges in Louisiana. This is particularly true because of Hurricanes Rita and Katrina. At the same time, we face extraordinary opportunities – to bring needed reform and positive change to our state. Legislative term limits, which take effect this year, make that more possible than ever before. Both these challenges and these opportunities demand that we have strong, visionary leadership in the Governor’s Office.
We have anything but that now. While we need determined action to cut through bureaucracy and spur recovery, we get the Road Home program. While we need a new health care model that gives all of our citizens real choice and quality, we get plans to largely rebuild our flawed system of the past. While we need allies from both political parties in Washington, we get political attacks and whining that turns off many of these potential allies. In short, while we need leadership and solutions, we get finger-pointing and excuses.
Bobby’s election would wipe that slate clean. He would provide the positive leadership – for reform and change – that we need.
And Bobby is uniquely positioned to win this election. He’s shown extraordinary strength in all recent polls of the governor’s race with no close second among anyone who has expressed any possible interest in running (including the sitting governor).
Of course, that doesn’t mean that Bobby doesn’t need our immediate help. By uniting early and supporting Bobby, we can provide his campaign with the momentum he needs to win.
There are two important ways you can help.
First, you can donate to Bobby’s campaign online by clicking here. Your personal contribution of $1000, $500, $250, $100, or even $50 will be much appreciated. Campaigns are expensive and every dollar helps. Secondly, you can sign up as a volunteer by clicking here. Your support will ensure that Bobby has the most organized and effective effort possible when the full campaign begins later this year.
Almost every election, someone argues that it’s the most important election of our lifetime. But isn’t that true this time, in terms of our future in Louisiana? We’re at a crossroads following the hurricanes. Do we stay on the path we’ve been on, or do we demand better? And if we don’t demand bold, positive change now, when will we ever? Please join Wendy and me in committing all of our help and support to Bobby now.
Here’s Vitter’s letter:
Dear Friend,
Wendy and I hope this email finds you and your family well.
Now that Bobby Jindal has made it clear that he will run for Governor later this year, Wendy and I wanted to let you know how supportive we are of him in this vital endeavor.
All of us face extraordinary challenges in Louisiana. This is particularly true because of Hurricanes Rita and Katrina. At the same time, we face extraordinary opportunities – to bring needed reform and positive change to our state. Legislative term limits, which take effect this year, make that more possible than ever before. Both these challenges and these opportunities demand that we have strong, visionary leadership in the Governor’s Office.
We have anything but that now. While we need determined action to cut through bureaucracy and spur recovery, we get the Road Home program. While we need a new health care model that gives all of our citizens real choice and quality, we get plans to largely rebuild our flawed system of the past. While we need allies from both political parties in Washington, we get political attacks and whining that turns off many of these potential allies. In short, while we need leadership and solutions, we get finger-pointing and excuses.
Bobby’s election would wipe that slate clean. He would provide the positive leadership – for reform and change – that we need.
And Bobby is uniquely positioned to win this election. He’s shown extraordinary strength in all recent polls of the governor’s race with no close second among anyone who has expressed any possible interest in running (including the sitting governor).
Of course, that doesn’t mean that Bobby doesn’t need our immediate help. By uniting early and supporting Bobby, we can provide his campaign with the momentum he needs to win.
There are two important ways you can help.
First, you can donate to Bobby’s campaign online by clicking here. Your personal contribution of $1000, $500, $250, $100, or even $50 will be much appreciated. Campaigns are expensive and every dollar helps. Secondly, you can sign up as a volunteer by clicking here. Your support will ensure that Bobby has the most organized and effective effort possible when the full campaign begins later this year.
Almost every election, someone argues that it’s the most important election of our lifetime. But isn’t that true this time, in terms of our future in Louisiana? We’re at a crossroads following the hurricanes. Do we stay on the path we’ve been on, or do we demand better? And if we don’t demand bold, positive change now, when will we ever? Please join Wendy and me in committing all of our help and support to Bobby now.
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