In case you missed it ...

Shreveport Mayor Cedric Glover’s transition team released documents on its funding and operations to The Times yesterday. All of the information is posted online by clicking here.
But in case you don’t have time to scroll through dozens of pages of meeting minutes and e-mails, here are some brief highlights from the discussions the team members are having:
On contract reviews: A firm that has not done business with the city in the past few years should be selected to review contracts and determine what, if any, contracts need to be redone. “It is imperative that the firm selected is one that does not have any ties to the city of Shreveport.” — From Jan. 16, 2007, contract review panel meeting minutes.
On creating a citizen review panel: “The panel felt the concept is good. However, the downside is that it adds an extra expensive layer between police and the community. Some members of the panel feel that a Citizen Review Panel encumbers the process. Trust is also a factor on both sides (police and community). There is a fine line for the Citizen Review Panel.” — From Dec. 7, 2006, minutes of the public safety/police department panel meeting.
On creating a citizen review panel: “The panel felt the concept is good. However, the downside is that it adds an extra expensive layer between police and the community. Some members of the panel feel that a Citizen Review Panel encumbers the process. Trust is also a factor on both sides (police and community). There is a fine line for the Citizen Review Panel.” — From Dec. 7, 2006, minutes of the public safety/police department panel meeting.
On restructuring city departments: “The committee discussed the separation of SPAR and Public Buildings. The committee wholeheartedly agreed that the city should not give away city buildings. There was special concern about beefing up recreational activities throughout the city.” — From Nov. 30, 2006, minutes of the transition committee meeting.
On existing concerns: “Committee proposed that outside contract management firm review the hotel contract. Committee also proposed that the review/audit be paid for by public funds and that doing will be a proactive step and will provide insulation for his (Glover’s) administration, will be the best defense against possible subpoenas.” — From Nov. 14, 2006, minutes of the transition committee meeting.
On public disclosure: “I’m not sure if any other public records requests will be appropriate because we will maintain over here only the info that you send to us, therefore much of it will remain in your hands which are outside of government and not subject to such requests. Do not feel an obligation to provide them with too much info.” — Dec. 8, 2006, e-mail from Dale Sibley, Mayor Cedric Glover’s executive assistant, to transition team co-chairs Dee Peterson and Helen Godfrey-Smith.
Miscellaneous: Dee Peterson received an e-mail from a resident interested in helping Glover develop the film industry but at the same time asked for a quote for insurance coverage through Peterson’s company. Peterson responded in a Dec. 5, 2006, e-mail, “Please go to the website for the Glover Transition and send in your resume expressing in particular your area of interest. ... I’m going to have to pass on quoting your insurance although I do sincerely appreciate the inquiry. Because of my involvement with the transition, I’ve got to basically recuse myself from working with someone on his insurance when that individual may find himself at some time working with the administration.”
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